Its been a little of a hectic weekend. I have some great stories of an interesting night as “entertainment specialist” but they’ll have to wait until I get home from work tonight, or tomorrow. Whee!!
Sockin’ Fool
Thanks fellow knitters on the sock compliements. The pinkish pair were my first ever and man, am I hooked. So, yesterday was one of those days. It all started at 10.15 pacific, with my cell phone ringing. Since I use it as my alarm clock, it was right next to the bed. Somehow I had read more
Alright, so somehow I’ve missed the Declare Yourself PSA’s on comedy central. Luckily for me, and everyone else who likes humor and voting, they’re available online. They’re directed by Kevin Smith, which again proves his greatness in my mind (I have a huge huge huge celebrity crush on him). Besides, where else can you watch read more
Photo Heavy!
Okay, time to catch up some on what’s going on in my knit-life…But first, an obligatory, cutesy, self-taken photo of the boy and I, somewhat drowsy, taken Sunday (click for biggerization): Alright, moving on here’s knit photos: From l to r We have the JexSox, from the Pippi Kneestocking pattern in stich and bitch, done read more
1001 Reasons Why I Love Him
I had an exceptionally good weekend. Our friends came over on Friday night to have beer and watch Hellboy and the highlight of the evening for me came about with this photo of our friend Ben: No, he did not drink that much on his own, there were 4 of us that contributed to the read more
So, the heat is driving me crazy. I’m a little tired of being coated in my own sweat constantly. We spent an hour in the pool last night and another hour in the pool tonight. I am not built for this kind of heat. I would be tempted to have a/c right now, if only read more
Could Someone Please Turn Down the Heat?
My god, I don’t know if I can take this climate. 5.45 pm and its 96 degrees…At least the humidity is only at about 20%. I feel like I’m roasting inside my skin. My apartment is so still and close, even with both the ceiling fan and box fan going. I could go out and read more
IllustratorCS is Fun!
I spent a good chunk of time playing in Illustrator today. This post is mainly just to test out the image upload, thumbnail generator Derek made for me. However, I’ve discovered that it is fun to take the templates that illustrator has and change the living daylights out of them. So that’s what this is:
Woohoo, DangerDuck!
As you can see, the blog looks a little bit different today. Comments from when I was publishing through blogger are gone for now, Derek’s plan is to try and swap them all over tomorrow. There’s a handy selector so that if you really liked the pinup girl you can make her come back. I read more
Hey look! Its a knitting entry! Its about time. I actually have 3 FO’s sitting in a basket awaiting photography. I’d take them now, but there’s no sunshine and the photos would likely come out very dark and bad. I did take time to snap a shot of my latest WIP. I’m making gifts currently read more
Welcome to my home, Part I.
Alright, room one on the photo tour of my apartment: my bathroom. Note, the apartment complex I live in was built in 1969 and I’m pretty sure all of the fixtures are still original. I love my early 70’s butter yellow bathroom! Alright now. (From L to R) we have my bathroom as you see read more
Ink on skin part II.
I found the photos I had of my two tattoos. The first one I got when I was 18 and it is on the small of my back: The second I got when I was 20. The colors in this photo are really faded, partially due, i believe, to an alcohol-induced tan gotten while tubing read more