
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things


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Hey look! Its a knitting entry! Its about time. I actually have 3 FO’s sitting in a basket awaiting photography. I’d take them now, but
there’s no sunshine and the photos would likely come out very dark and bad. I did take time to snap a shot of my latest WIP. I’m making gifts currently and socks are my chosen currency. These ones
are being made out of Elann’s Sock it to Me Collection: Esprit Print in Mediterranean Sea. The yarn is 98.3% Cotton 1.7% Elastic and it is so soft and
cushy and I think the socks are going to be fantastically comfortable for their wearer. Luckily, the giftee will be able to handle their handwash care instructions. Other projects on my list for
gifts is a stripey, bulky wool hat, and a pair of socks made from Elann’s Sock it to Me Collection: Colori in Highland Berries. For those socks I intend on using Amy’s Twist and Shout Socks. I tried them with the Esprit and it just didn’t look good to me, plus it hurt my hands. So I’m winging it without a pattern,
making what I’m going to refer to as my Basket-case socks. Its just a really simple stitch pattern of knits and purls, nothing fancy, but I think it’ll be a big hit. Click the thumbnail for my

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