There’s something inately satisfying to me about having slightly bleach scented hands after spending a half an hour scrubbing the bathtub. There’s something even more satisfying about discovering that I could remove much more of the ick around shower doors than I believed would be possible. I am very much looking to the day when read more
Life is, indeed, good.
I’d like to start this entry with a note about one of the cutest things I have seen in a long time. The other night Derek and I were bringing in our newly purchashed 20×48″ resign folding table in to the apartment and on the sidewalk we met the man that lives under my apartment read more
ink on skin
Life is wonderful here. Derek is fantastic, our relationship is amazing. I can honestly say I have never been in a relationship like this before and I love it when I can wake up and know he’s a part of my life, and even better, wake up and know he’s in the apartment with me. read more
I’m Baaaaaack!!!
Internet is now a go! There will be an update shortly, along with photos of my new home. Whoo!
Coming Soon…
Hey folks! I know its been a loooong time. I will FINALLY have internet at home on Friday the 9th by 2pm. I’ll be back sometime near then!!
Books Books Books
Bold books are those I’ve read:BeowulfAchebe, Chinua – Things Fall ApartAgee, James – A Death in the FamilyAusten, Jane – Pride and PrejudiceBaldwin, James – Go Tell It on the MountainBeckett, Samuel – Waiting for GodotBellow, Saul – The Adventures of Augie MarchBront à «, Charlotte – Jane EyreBront à «, Emily – Wuthering HeightsCamus, read more
The Sound of Silence
Alright, there are many reasons for my silence. A. My computer is dead. Dead-dead. Derek’s going to rig one up for me out of mostly parts that he has and I’m going to try to sell my laptop for parts. B. I have no internet (why bother if I have no computer?) C. I have read more
My other world is just a half a mile away…
Alright, its time for a real update. Firstly, Derek still thinks he can fix my laptop, although we’ve had a dickens of a time trying to get the darn thing apart. Secondly, graduation was lovely. My sister is lovely, she’s back to her absoutely fabulous smart-ass self, telling people i’m nothing but trouble, and advising read more
I’m a bad bad blogger…
I have been trying to get a blog post up for awhile but I’m mostly just tired and sometimes lazy. This morning is no different. Let’s just suffice it to say that my home won’t have internet access until I have a job, and as I don’t have one yet, I am at the mercy read more
electrified and lit up by an outline of herself and smiling now as only she can be…
well, i’m alive still. i’ll update more later, but for now we’ll say that even with the stress and anxiety I’m having right now I am more the me I want to be than I’ve been in a long time… and in keeping with this post’s title, from the scientists by HUM “…I made some read more
It’s pronounced Orygun
Bonnie is in Oregon. She’s spending the night in Tualatin and then will make the 2 or so hour drive to Eugene in the morning. I’m going to meet her there and help her get all her stuff unloaded and in order. Plus we’ll have to take a trip up to my home town of read more
Nobody writes songs about Billings
Bonnie is in Billings, Montana for the night. I let her tell you ann the stories when she gets here and gets some internet access again. Thursday or Friday maybe. In the mean time just know that she’s safe and sound in the heart of Montana. With luck she’ll be in eastern oregon by this read more