
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Life is, indeed, good.

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I’d like to start this entry with a note about one of the cutest things I have seen in a long time. The other night Derek and I were
bringing in our newly purchashed 20×48″ resign folding table in to the apartment and on the sidewalk we met the man that lives under my apartment and another man. Now, I couldn’t tell you which of
them actually lives there as I have always seen them together, but the one following behind was clutching an absolutely darling yellow and green purse. It was adorable.

Work was tedious
and somehow soothing today. I was in charge of the first five hours of getting the day’s quantity of previously rented product ready to be on the shelf for purchase. I ended up working with a total
of 537 DVDs. The girl who came in after me got to finish the DVD’s, pull the VHS and prep that, and then prep games. I got the larger end of the deal, but it was alright. I kind of like the
tedious jobs such as that. Gives me time to stand and think. I couldn’t really tell you what I was thinking about, but it was lovely anyway, to just kind of come into myself while my hands
performed the simple, repetitive actions neccesary for the job. Tomorrow I work 12-8 and based on comments made today, I do believe that if I’m not working till and handling the movie drop, I will
be set to make sure the new release wall is in perfect order. The “loose alpha” organization of the store drives me absolutely crazy. I am far too anal to believe that there should be c-title
movies mixed in with b-title movies, making it miserably hard for anyone to find anything. In fact, one movie in specific is a full 20′ from where it belongs in the alphabet. Its crazy I tell you,
I don’t quite understand it. It just makes my brain hurt.

It looks like Sunday I will be in possession of the equivilent of a king sized bed. Jill, Derek’s mom, is bringing us a second
mattress and box spring that matches the one that lives in my bedroom currently and we will go get some dental floss to sew the mattresses together. And then go purchase some sheets. WOO! New
sheets! I love domesticity.

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