
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Nothing Much.

Not much to blog today. I have a day off, and I’m knitting a hat. Hopefully there will be enough time today to get it done and post photos tomorrow.  I also have a couple of socks in progress, yet.  At any rate, I am enjoying my day off completely!

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I can’t help but giggle at this. I ended up at the website of a bakery here in Eugene.  They make a product called “Delicious Nipples of Venus”.  I know that Nipples of Venus are a type of chocolate truffle-esque creation, they made them in the movie Chocolat but the way it is written makes read more

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Thanks to Mac…

I think I have grey hair now. She posted this. Go on, you know you want to.

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Alright, but a Little Sad.

I found out yesterday that my new job won’t be starting as soon as I had hoped.  The woman I’ll be working under got assigned a huge special project that would leave her no time to work with me.  So I’ll be starting on September 22nd instead of September 1st.  The reason the wait is read more

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Waiting for Inspiration

I’m looking to start my next blog skin but I feel like I am fresh out of ideas.  I’m sure I’m not, there’s just a lot of tired hiding them from me.  So, if anyone out there has an idea, let me know!

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He Was a Sk8er Boi.

As part of my job, I get to listen to the trailer reel over and over and over again.  The trailer reel changes every two weeks, although some ads stay on for months, and some movie clips also stay in there a long time.  This morning’s great addition to our reel was an AOL Broadband read more

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Ready for the Weekend.

Alright, I am tired. This close-open stuff is definitely not the most fun in the world.  Friday night when I came home I was wired and then couldn’t fall asleep.  Last night I was tired but my muscles needed a little time to relax before I could go to bed. Since I had a horrible read more

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Forgotten Fodder.

My high school friend Stef, over at PancakeX posted this.Its the table of condiments that periodically go bad.  I have no head for chemistry, but this I can understand and get into. So go, take a look.

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Tired of the Drama.

I am tired of the Drama that has been slowly adding up in my life.  There’s a little bit of, okay, a lot of drama at work right now, although I am thankfully NOT the center of it.  Luckily, someone does intend on trying to remove the drama, the person that is in charge enough read more

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Problem Fixed?

I think I’ve fixed the problem. It was a matter of the script trying to run regular expressions on the same post twice.  I hope that this fixes the issue. Older posts will have to be edited to remove the question marks but everything should be readable again soon.

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Busy Girl

Uffda! I got to work last night only to be accosted and asked to cover a shift Tuesday night. So I cut my “weekend” in half and the only day off I have between today and Sunday the 22nd is Wednesday.  Which means I may be too tired to update as much. Its really nice read more

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The Quest is Over.

So, yesterday Derek and I were going to go swimming shortly after he got home.  I went and grabbed my bathing suit, only to discover that it had somehow developed a whole in the bottom.  Well, that wasn’t going to work so we set out on a quest. A quest for a new bathing suit read more

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