
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things


Today I turned 28. It’s 10:15pm and I’ve had what feels like one of the most love and joy filled birthdays I’ve had the pleasure to enjoy. It’s been low-key. A few gifts from people I love most. A good dinner with my husband. Knitting group and phone calls from loved ones. Emails and twitter read more


Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Cuttlefish

Etymology: The origin of the word cuttlefish can be found in the old English term cudele, itself derived in the 1400s from the Norwegian koddi (testicle) and the Middle German kudel (pouch), a literal description of the cephalopod’s shape. The Greco-Roman world valued the cephalopod as a source of the unique brown pigment released from read more

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Bread and a Challenge

One recent evening Nicole of Pinch My Salt announced, via Twitter, that she was going to bake every recipe in Peter Reinhart’s The Bread Baker’s Apprentice and asked if anyone else might be willing to virtually bake along with her. As I am never one to turn down a challenge and I bake most of read more


Black Sheep Bingo!

It’s that time of year again! Jodie and I are once again gearing up for a rousing game of find the blogger/internet knitter at Black Sheep Bingo. Last year was so much fun that we decided to do it again. So, if you’re local, semi-local, or just traveling across the country for Black Sheep Gathering read more

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Cats? or The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men.

Almost a month ago, we got a second cat. We’ve been talking about getting one for awhile, to help with Pica’s co-dependent tendancies and just to round out our household a little more. We’ve been having a pretty ok adjustment time, generally. Pica still likes to growl, hiss and swat at Ollie but he now read more


Maddox Monster

Maddox the Mischevious Monster by Rebecca Danger (Ravelry link) More babies are on the way in my circle of friends. D’s longtime friend T and her husband are expecting a son on or around April 2nd. Since her shower was last weekend I cranked out a couple of gifts for the little guy. She’s also read more


Leafy Curtains

When we moved in to Casa de Baya, the bedroom had a very make-shift curtain hanging in the window. Made from a sheet, it had faded pink flowers and was generally sad. It wasn’t my style and it just looked out of place, especially after the fresh coat of sage green paint that we put read more


Mushroom Soup

Now that we’re at least partly settled in the new place, I am getting used to an electric stove/oven after almost five years of cooking with gas. I grew up with a gas stove, it’s natural to me. Electric–especially the stovetop–is highly frustrating but I’m getting used to it again. My husband loves soups. I’m read more



One of my biggest projects last year was a gift for my younger sister, Sarah who lives in Vermont. She’s cold a lot so a red wool/alapaca blend sweater seemed like an ideal choice. She’s a bit picky about her clothing, in that she doesn’t like anything “fussy” so I settled on Ursa from Berroco read more


Smashed Chickpea Salad

One choice D and I have made this year is to try and cut back on our meat consumption. This means more mushrooms, more whole grains and hopefully, more beans and bean-like objects. I have a great aversion to the slightly gritty texture of beans though, so I’m searching hard to find ways to enjoy read more


Noro Clapotis Scarf

In November I ordered this single skein of Noro Silk Garden Sock yarn in color s269 from WEBS. Inspired directly by this clapotis scarf. I don’t normally go for pale neutrals like this but there is such amazing depth of color in this yarn. It’s Noro, so it’s a little “rustic” and there were two read more