The weather has been perfectly fall lately, if a little dry. A couple of weeks ago we took a drive out to pick up some apples for applesauce and apple butter, and since then I’ve been drying apples in my impulsively purchased Ronco Food Dehydrator. This weekend we’re off to get some pears for dried read more
Hall and Oates
Brilliant, tasty, Saturday Night Live impersonations. With song.
One of the perks of working from home is that, well, I’m home. Which means I can start my day by mixing up a loaf of bread, time my breaks right and have a piping hot loaf by the time my husband comes home for dinner. Today? It was a loaf of eggy challah bread, read more
On Falling Behind
photo taken at V. Sattui Winery, Aug 29, 2008 [see other photos from the vineyard here.] The curse of one who has too many hobbies–when you do one a lot, the others get explored much less frequently. Since I’ve spent much of the summer knitting fanatically, I have had much time for things like spinning read more
101 in 1001
I am 994 days shy of turning 30. In order to celebrate that milestone, I decided to embark on 101 in 1001. For 1001 days I will attempt to accomplish 101 goals, ranging in size from small (visit the beach) to much larger scale (buy a house, launch my professional website). This blog post is read more
Target Women
Or, Sarah Haskins, I totally have have a girl crush on you. I’ve been watching the “Target Women” spots for awhile now. Sarah Haskins is tall, and lovely and never seems to quite know what to do with her arms. Oh, and she’s hysterically funny. From Chick Flicks, to Yogurt (food of women!), to read more
Rage Against the Machine
Rage Against the Machine was shut down by the police at an anti-RNC concert. Not disheartened, the band found a megaphone and performed a capella on the streets, with commentary between songs that inspires even my disheartened and politics-weary heart. I am so saddened to hear about the goings-on in St. Paul, a place that read more
The Backside of Your Eye
I went in for an eye exam on Monday and was offered an alternative to dilation. I hate having my eyes dilated (even if I know it is a necessary evil). This is in large part because my focus actually flips when I’m dilated, leaving me very disoriented. So the OptoMap seemed like a good read more
Common Sense, You’re Doin’ it Wrong
From STOCKHOLM – Ten thousand copies of a food magazine were recalled in Sweden after a mistake in one of its recipes left four people poisoned, the magazine said Thursday. “There was a mistake in a recipe for apple cake. Instead of calling for two pinches of nutmeg it said 20 nutmeg nuts were read more
Scott and Elizabeth
The most happiest of happy wishes go out to Scott and Elizabeth who were married on August 23. I have many many more photos to share of the wedding (I took nearly 500 between the rehearsal and the wedding itself). My husband and Scott have known each other for twenty-three years, beginning at age six. read more
There and Back Again
We recently drove to California (and back!) We’ve been back home for two weeks and I’ve written nary a word here on the blog about the trip. I’m slowly processing the nearly 1100 photos I took. Until I finish that I’m going to hold off on the blog recap. Instead, here’s an adorable photo of read more
Days With My Father
Earlier, while sifting through the tubes with stumbleupon, I came across the poignant and beautiful Days With My Father. Through brilliant photography, Phillip Toledano, has chronicled his love for his 98 year old father, who has lost his short term memory. His other work is equally intriguing, and I hope you’ll all take a peep.