
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Something Blue

bloggers (silent) poetry reading

Today is the Feast of St. Brigid. I’m a little indifferent to most poetry, but there are a few that hold great meaning for me. This one speaks to my roots, my training, my loves and my love. In fact, it was the poem that my older sister read for us at our wedding [my read more


Out of Habit.

I have totally fallen out of the habit of writing in the blog. There have been lots of goings-on so I’ll do my best to update things here. For starters, we’re married. photo taken by sara. TheBoy is also now TheHusband and apart from being able to call him that (which I do with remarkable read more


Happy Birthday to Me

There’s nothing like an impending wedding to make your birthday feel mostly insignificant. But, I’ve officially entered the latter half of my twenties and we made the last huge arrangements for the wedding today. Now, I just have to stay sane for the next two and a half weeks, including having faith that a. my read more


I Vote!

This will be a little bit of a bits and bobs update. Last night TheBoy and I sat down with our voter guides and our Oregon mail-in ballots and voted. It was fun, like taking a take-home test. I would review the measure and the letters in support and opposition and then cast my vote. read more

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Friendly Neighborhood Hero.

I have great friends. On Wednesday night, I printed and put together a sample of our save-the-date cards. And hated it. It was going to be a lot of work and was going to look “crafty” in a not-so-very good kind of way. So, yesterday morning, I rearranged my digital files for a new format read more

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