
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Friendly Neighborhood Hero.

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I have great friends. On Wednesday night, I printed and put together a sample of our save-the-date cards. And hated it. It was going to be a lot of work and was going to look “crafty” in a not-so-very good kind of way. So, yesterday morning, I rearranged my digital files for a new format and decided to look into just printing them as postcards. Yes, I know it’s boring, but my brilliant non-postcard idea didn’t look classy enough. [Because people are flying in from all over the country it would be really tacky of us not to send save-the-date cards as well.] At any rate, I started looking into places to print online. Many places have a minimum order of 500. I need 65, max. So, I looked into another online printing company from whom I could buy 100 for approximately $55 since it was my artwork, [that $55 included shipping.] Now, the online printing company in question only does online proofs. This wouldn’t be a problem but their online proofs simply spit back a pdf of the documents that you have uploaded. I couldn’t be sure that the front side and back side would print in correct alignment. So, last night I got in touch with TheBoy’s best friend [he’s TheBestMan in the wedding] who happens to work at a graphics shop. And he said he could print exactly what we’ll need, and now I know they won’t get screwed up! Huzzah for TheBestMan! So, instead of sending my money away to benefit some LargeInternetCorporation, I’m putting it into the [relatively] local, family-run graphics shop. I’m much happier spending my money that way.

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