
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Daily Life

the best laid plans

I always think I’m going to remember to blog more, and then it’s November first and i haven’t written anything since last year. it’s been a wild one, that’s for sure. Today I broke my self-imposed rule and bought a Christmas decoration long before Thanksgiving; one shiny silver reindeer. I love him and may go read more


2014 in Review

Again, another year is ending and again, I haven’t written enough about the things I wanted to write about. Instead, here’s a thumbnail view of our year. January: We started off slowly, but I finished my first quilt top, we did some walking/hiking around locally and at the coast and enjoyed a slow start to the read more

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2013: A Thumbnail Review

2013 was full of ups and downs for our family, but I think we mostly came out on the balance of good. January: Our niece and nephew came to visit from Vegas, stopping through overnight on their way. We hadn’t seen our nephew since 2006, so that was lovely (our poor niece got clipped off in read more

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Here and There

I’m writing a second blog these days, one that is more personal. As a part of my coping and healing process, I’ve started writing letters to my father. I kept writing them in my head, but wanted to record them in a less sieve-like way for days when my memories have faded. Obviously, I’m not read more

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Joy from Extremely Unexpected Sources

It’s been a rough ride around here lately. In addition to a host of other things, my beloved husband threw his back out very badly; he has been laid up for 2.5 weeks and on bedrest for 12 days. I’m not looking to throw myself a pity party, but yesterday all of the frustrations of read more
