
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Crazy Internet

Monday Musings, Take 1

For today’s Monday Musings, I wanted to recount an exchange I overheard yesterday morning at our local Original Pancake House. It was busy and as my husband was putting our names on the waiting list I noticed an elderly woman attempting to pay her bill. It went as follows: Cashier: Your breakfast is all paid read more


Drawing with Water

This is absolutely stunning. Emmanuel Guibert used water to create his graphic novel Alan’s War: The Memories of G.I. Alan Cope It seems a little boring until right at the end and then it’s just captivating. via Boing Boing



One of my 101 in 1001 goals was to blog for 28 consecutive days. Well, I’ve decided to tackle that goal and will be participating in NaBloPoMo. In order to come up with content, I think I’ll be focusing some days into themes: Monday Musings – in which I will reflect on something I’ve read read more


Hall and Oates

Brilliant, tasty, Saturday Night Live impersonations. With song.

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