
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Cooking and Baking

Snapshot Sunday: Pizza

We went to see Wall*E today and enjoyed it, although our cheap seat theater is possibly the most uncomfortable theater ever (low seats with high, fixed-position armrests so you end up sitting bolt upright and tipping just your head back to see). Then we made a short trip into Target for a few gifts and read more

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Hurrah for the Weekend

This turned out to be an unexpectedly busy week. Lots of running around and projects. And I’m still plugging away at all of my Christmas projects and starting to plan out my Christmas baking. I send a box to my husband’s family in Las Vegas every year, and while there are some standbys (cranberry-orange bread read more


WIP Wednesday: Vanilla Extract

I’m making my own vanilla extract! Based on these instructions and using vanilla beans from this store. In my one quart jar I put in six vanilla beans split in half (I used three Bourbon/Madagascar beans and three Tahitian), 4 ounces of vanilla extract and then filled the jar with Bacardi White Rum. 6 to read more


Caramel Apple Cheesecake

We had dinner out with my in-laws on Saturday night. Because I love to bake, I offered to make dessert to eat at home, instead of forcing too much food at the dinner table. I took inspiration from Tartelette’s Blueberry Heart Cheesecakes for the cheesecake, adding cinnamon-y apples and caramel for a really delicious fall read more
