
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas…


…in New England. We got 4″ of snow on Sunday night. Snow and cold is a little abnormal, we trend towards wet, melting, slushy snow that only sticks around a day or so, falling when temperatures are above freezing. Instead, tonight we’re sitting at 12 degrees Fahrenheit at 10pm (they keep lowering the predicted low, and these are record breaking lows for us). I can feel the cold air seeping through the big glass doors out to the balcony, curse the late-60’s construction of our office building when aluminum was thought to be the best material for door and window frames! They’re predicting more snow mixed with rain tomorrow, but also temps above freezing which should start to melt this off so we can get back to normal. Because this happens so infrequently, the city/state just doesn’t have the equipment to handle this and it’s also too cold for the chemical deicers they favor to work.

Señorita Fluffenstuff was quite distraught by the snow on Monday morning, the blanket of white that covered everything so quickly. She paced back and forth between the balcony and the office window, meowing at the world outside until we buckled her into her harness and leash and took her out on the balcony to sniff and touch the snow. Now? She’s okay with it, spending her days curled in a ball on our bed having determined it to be the softest, warmest spot in the house. And me? I got this great shot of her fluffy white toes in the snow: