
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Cherry Picking.


Things have been busy, but one thing that we’ve been making time for is trips to Hentze’s Family Farm in Junction City to pick our own fruit. On our first trip, the dark sweets weren’t quite ready, so we picked 18 pounds of Rainier cherries. The photo above is dark sweets though, because they still looked pretty. Since that trip we’ve been back twice more, once for fruit to take to a bbq/a bag of apricots and once for blueberries and marionberries. I’ve been making lots of jams, and even made 4 pints of maraschino cherries, because I could. My adventures in canning aren’t over, I plan to make dilly beans and pickles and salsa and tomato sauce as well as applesauce and apple butter. Delicious foods, with a little time and effort.

Good things are happening for me, slowly. There’ll be another website soon, with another blog, for another aspect of my life.* This one will stay here, and hopefully I’ll pick back up with posting. I’ve got lots of stories, but making those stories seems to cut into my time for writing about them.

*I feel that I need to clarify that we are not expanding our family. The good things that are happening have also made some other things uncertain, and we’re not planning to have children in the near future, much to the chagrin of my mother-in-law.