
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things


Lunchtime. Grabbed at quick burger with my husband. Waiting in the car for our food, I see an elderly couple exit the restaurant and climb into a tan Ford Taurus of mid-90s vintage with bumper stickers that read “The only Bush I trust is my own” and “somewhere in Texas a village is missing its idiot.” Proceed to laugh at that juxtaposition, wonder if the car is borrowed.

Mid afternoon. Hentze Family Farm in Junction City. Being swarmed by a large group of children. Accidentally knock big rubbermaid bucket full of walnuts on floor with my hip. Metal scoop makes huge, loud bang. Am extremely embarrassed by my clumsiness, and eternally grateful to those men who helped me pick them up. Am royally annoyed by small boy who nearly steps on my fingers [and a walnut] because he is paying no attention to anything.

Late afternoon. A quick trip to office depot. I’m wandering around in a benadryl fog [allergy flare-up] waiting for my husband. A young man approaches me, turns to face me, gives me double thumbs up and says “aaaaaayyy!!!” Yep. Just like The Fonz. Luckily, I wasn’t in need of any help, because I had a really hard time keeping my laughter on the inside.

Evening. Make delicious blueberry and marionberry pancakes for dinner. Put 3 quarts of blueberries and 3 quarts of marionberries in freezer. Have gallon bag of Rainier cherries to pit and freeze tomorrow, as well as blueberries and bing cherries to make jam from in fridge. Busy day.

One Comment

  1. Amy

    That sounds like a very busy day. Those pancakes sound so good! This is me being jealous of all your berries