
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Year In Review

In fiber:

Fiber Mosaic 2007
1. Peacock, 2. Bear Spins!, 3. Romney, 4. Washrags!, 5. Peapod With Buttons!, 6. Merino/Tencel, 7. Hat!, 8. Hebrides Overture, 9. Sweet Baby Cap and Thumbless Mitties, 10. Octopus, 11. Sweater for Baby Lingo, 12. Tiny Stockings

Created with fd’s Flickr Toys.

In daily life:

Daily Mosaic 2007

1. Magnets!, 2. Stitches West, 3. Magnets!, 4. Love, 5. Melted, 6. Sitting, 7. New Couch!, 8. Rose, 9. Camel, 10. Ray Gun After, 11. 1960 Ford Thunderbird, 12. Barcelona Red

Created with fd’s Flickr Toys.

Notable events:
January – Move into a new, awesome office at work.
February – Travel to the Bay Area to hang out with Kelly and my doppelganger and meet the fabulous Yarn-a-go-go Rachael.
March – Pretty absorbed with wedding crafting, made a million buttons.
April – TheBoy turns 28, we went to Mt. Pisgah at the end of the month to smell the flowers.
May – The iPod car power adapter shorts out and melts, causing me to abruptly stammer “guh, uh, smoke” while gesturing at the dashboard from where said smoke was emitting.
June – I turn 26 with little fanfare, and I marry someone who has proven to be the best husband I could ever ask for. He’s the love of my heart, of my life, and I face each day gladly with him next to me.
July – We buy a new couch, which proves to be the best thing ever for napping.
August – We bid a very unexpected goodbye to a dear Knitter, TheBoy’s grandmother. We realize how fortunate it was that other events had placed several happy visits with in the short time between our wedding and her passing.
September – At Oregon Flock and Fiber, we meet a camel.
October – A steampunk vs. cyberpunk themed Halloween party gives me cause to break out some spray paint and modify this awesome toy into one of the best props ever. October sees me fail a quiz for the first time [don’t worry, I made up for it!] October also brought the birth of our great-nephew, joyfulness abounds.
November – Estate sales are crazy. People want to buy the crap they can easily get at costco, like trash bags and paper plates. We sell enough to mostly pay for roof repairs. The house goes on the market.
December – We, somewhat unexpectedly purchase a 2008 Prius. Christmas never really felt like Christmas, but we had a lovely time. For only the second time in his life, TheBoy gets the experience of a White Christmas. We spend the last week of the year together, off from work, lazing about like we haven’t done in over a year. One of my dearest friends from undergrad has her second baby, a little girl that I cannot wait to meet.

In some ways I am very thankful 2007 is over. We’ve got a lot of exciting things on the agenda for 2008. Stick around, it could be quite the ride.


  1. TheAmpuT

    Very cool post. I really enjoyed reviewing your year!! (and was glad to be a tiny part of it!) Happy New Year, Bon! (from another bon)