
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Office Supplies Make me Giddy

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Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I am ordering office supplies right now, and it really does make me giddy. All of the pens and sharpies. Huzzah! I also got to order three new fancy filing cabinets and get a quote for an expensive printer. I have no idea where we’re going to put this stuff once it gets here, but it will be fun. My boss ordered a mess more stuff this morning, including a second [less expensive] printer, and mucho ink and paper. I got to compile that list for her which was almost as much fun as ordering things myself. Almost. Tomorrow we get to go and order computers since we’re trying to buy things while there’s leftover money and everything we order has to be here by the end of the month. I am guessing my office will be pretty tight with the storage of items.

My office will be moving soon, which is good news although it will take up a massive amount of our time since we agreed to put some sweat equity into the space that we’re moving into. We’ll be painting and doing some other various things. It looks like we’re the first on the list for construction this summer, which is great because it’ll disrupt us less. I’m looking forward to picking out paint samples and all. I also get to help pick out furniture, including my own chair. Huzzah!

There has been a great deal of knitting going on in preparation for a baby that is due to arrive in about two weeks. A dear friend of mine is about to pop. I’m looking forward to the arrival, I just have to hope that I can get the sweater finished, I’m knitting more slowly because my left arm is still bothering me a bit from my tumble awhile back. Photos to come!

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