
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Product Placement

Strauch Jumbo Ball Winder

Customer service is not dead. About 2.5 years ago, my husband accidentally broke my $40 plastic ball winder. It had some flaws, the all plastic construction being one of them (there was no way to fix the broken one without causing it to stop turning, which would have rendered it decorative rather than functional). Instead, read more


Sewn with Love

I know I posted a link to her shop awhile back, but I just wanted to post another link to my friend RachelM’s etsy shop. I have two of these bags from her and I love them to bits. These are perfect for small knitting projects but would also be perfect for organizing any small read more


The Backside of Your Eye

I went in for an eye exam on Monday and was offered an alternative to dilation. I hate having my eyes dilated (even if I know it is a necessary evil). This is in large part because my focus actually flips when I’m dilated, leaving me very disoriented. So the OptoMap seemed like a good read more

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MADE by RachelM

My friend Rachel has started a new venture. She’s opened a fabulous etsy shop full of amazing stitch markers and fabulous bags. The markers are beautiful to look at, lightweight and snag free, even when working with laceweight yarns. I highly recommend her, and I would even if she weren’t my friend.

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Today I turned 27. I slept late, poked around online and knit while hanging out with the cat. I received a package via FedEx, (more on that later) chatted with rachelm and was generally lazy until my husband came home from work just before 3pm. Then, he gave me presents (The BBC versions of the read more
