
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Open Letters

An Open Letter to My Neighbor

Dear Ms. Agoraphobic,I know that we don’t really get along, although you’ve never given me the chance to prove what an annoying twit I am. I’ve gotten past the refusing to make eye contact, the waiting in your car until you know we are inside our apartment and the weird desire for absolute silence at read more

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An Open Letter to ODOT

Dear ODOT,I know that the city of Eugene is spending something like 13million dollars to take out a perfectly good and important lane of traffic on Franklin in order to decrease the bus trip from Eugene Station to Springfield Station by a whopping 4 minutes. I appreciate that people could better spend those 4 minutes read more

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Open Letter to MARKLASER

Dear MARKLASER,I know I gave you a stupid name, but it needed to be descriptive of where you live and how you work. I didn’t want to call you Phaser7400DN even though that is your given name because quite frankly, that’s too much. Too many numbers mixed in with the letters. I know that I read more

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