
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Geekin’ Out

Dancing Birds

More on these little birds soon, but in the meantime here’s what happens when I get stuck in the house by the snow. I make animated gifs of tiny knitted birds.


Of Gnomes and Doctors

I do not profess to be either good or speedy at cross-stitch. I generally leave the cross-stitch pieces to my mother (who is very good, and far speedier than I am) but not too long ago I came across some great, simple pieces on etsy that have called out to me. One of these is read more


An Instant Gratification Project; Knitting Punctuation.

I love a good semicolon; the way it transitions from one sentence into another without a hard, hard pause. When I saw this pattern for a comma, apostrophe or quotation marks I was smitten. As I was showing my husband the nearly finished item, he smiled and told me that I “should knit it a read more


Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Ice Invaders

I bought my husband this Ice Invaders ice cube tray for his Christmas stocking. I’m trying to come up with some ridiculously nerdy cocktail to go with them. I feel like perhaps it needs to be bright green.


Using my Powers for Good

It sometimes surprises people but the boarding school I was lucky enough to attend during my final two years of high school was focused on math and science. While I did not love calculus, I generally love numbers and math and puzzles and figuring out how things all fit together. When I’m knitting lace patterns read more
