
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Christmas Mitts!

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I have known TheBoy for a hair over three years now. He has known that I am a knitter for almost as long as he’s known me and yet I don’t think that he ever realized what that meant for him in the long run. Pieces of yarn everywhere, piles of yarn everywhere, and [until recently] watching me knit and spin for swaps with other people while never having anything for himself.

A lot of women feel their male counterparts don’t appreciate their crafts. At one point during Socktoberfest TheBoy voiced his sorrow at not having anything that I had made for him. The result of that conversation was these mitts. Knit on size 2 needles from a kind of generic mitt pattern I’ve culled from various places and constantly tried on during the knitting and we have a mostly finished pair of convertible mittens. I need to knit the mitten caps yet but a recent cold snap forced me to finish these so that he can hold the cold steering wheel in the morning. They’re an unofficial Christmas gift since I really wanted to surprise him but wanted more to get a good fit. The mitten caps will be knit and attached shortly. I’ll post full project specs then but the yarn is hand-dyed from a semi-local etsy seller. I’m not going to link to it because I wasn’t thrilled with the dye job from the end I started from. The first cuff ended up almost half black and half orange and the striping became very random. The yarn was intended as sock yarn for a man’s foot and I knit at both a gauge and size compatible with a foot [TheBoy’s hands are large] and just got weird results. The girls from the Guild agreed with me that the dye job seemed very random and poorly thought out. TheBoy is happy with them and doesn’t mind the weird areas of color or else these would never have made it past the first cuff. It’s a risk you take with hand dyed yarn I suppose.

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