
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / Travelin’ Man


While in the Atlanta airport [terminal C] TheBoy and I were sitting and waiting patiently for our slightly delayed flight to Maine. I watched as a teenage girl got very excited as she approached a young black man with spiky hair to ask for a photograph. I looked at him more closely and realized it read more

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Friday, August 11 I spent the day packing and cleaning things up in our apartment. TheBoy came home from work sometime around 5.30 and I cut his hair. We left just before 7 after a stop for gas, heading north for TheBoy’s mom’s house to stay the night. We missed the exit for Albany where read more

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Dress is bought! TheBoy and I are back on the West Coast after a whirlwind week in Maine. Pictures forthcoming once I get some sleep!

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No One’s Home.

Technically, that’s not true, TheBoy is at home. I am currently in Tacoma, Washington about to get ready for the day and head on to Whidbey Island, Washington. We drove up Thursday, had dinner in Seattle on Thursday night. Then we spent yesterday at the library. Note to everyone: the Tacoma Public Library is full read more

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