
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / ‘Tis the Season

Giving Thanks

There are so many things I have to be thankful for this year. Here’s the short list. my husband our family good friends my husband’s job our home two happy spoiled cats a fair amount of yarn and fiber in my office being part of a community that shared freely its knowledge So cheers, and read more

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Baked Cranberry Sauce

Marnie posted a link on twitter to this recipe on the Food Network this morning and even though we’re not celebrating Thanksgiving until Friday this year, I went ahead and immediately made some changes and tossed my berries in the oven. Just over an hour from start to finish, this sauce can be made quite read more


Looking Back, Looking Ahead

1. A, 2. The Sun, 3. Wall O’ Fists, 4. Chapstick, 5. Ballroom, 6. Hairs Cut, 7. A is for Ace, 8. Tristan + Cake, 9. Sonata and Stool, 10. Laser Tag in the EMU :: Tristan, 11. Resting, 12. Dancing Guy, 13. Cat in Harness, 14. Cake, 15. Dancing in the Dark, 16. Lincoln, read more


Merry Happy Crazy Wonderful Holidays!

Wherever you are and whatever you celebrate (or don’t) I hope you are surrounded by love and happiness. I’ll be back in the next few days with a finished object and a mess of cookies to show you.



Embedding courtesy of Dintillion I miss my family most at birthdays and holidays. This year I am missing my family something fierce and today I started thinking about this commercial for a local bank. It ran for a long, long time although comments on another version of this video say it has been axed now read more