
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Posts Categorized / WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday: Trophy Complete

This week’s WIP Wednesday is actually a Finished Object Wednesday, a follow up to last week’s WIP Wednesday post. My supplies for this overhaul included: 1 can gloss black spray paint 1 can gloss dark grey spray paint epoxy silver star shaped brads 1 g.i. joe doll with kung-fu grip 2 round toothpicks craft felt read more


WIP Wednesday: Trophy Overhaul

The before photo isn’t great, but today’s project is a total overhaul of this trophy. I’ve dismantled it, cleaned it, pulled off the craptastic faux-wood contact paper and now it’s curing, so that I can put it back together tomorrow.


WIP Wednesday: Vanilla Extract

I’m making my own vanilla extract! Based on these instructions and using vanilla beans from this store. In my one quart jar I put in six vanilla beans split in half (I used three Bourbon/Madagascar beans and three Tahitian), 4 ounces of vanilla extract and then filled the jar with Bacardi White Rum. 6 to read more


Work in Progress Wednesday: Felted Clogs

As it has gotten colder, my husband realized he needed slippers. I finished this first one ages ago, and am currently aiming to complete the second one this weekend so they can be fulled to size (fulling is the process by which you shrink a piece of knitting using hot water and agitating, frequently inaccurately read more

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