
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Hold Tight to the Happy.


What a time to be without my knitting. I probably shouldn’t be blogging right now, but I cannot sleep because my brain is far too full. Today has not been like I ever imagined that it would be. I’m going to be cryptic for now, because my heart needs a little shelter. Something to fill the hole and stopper the hurting. Things are as they are though, and will be what they are meant to be. I can hear my beloved husband snoring in the next room, in a strange bed. I should go and try again to sleep, but I know the churning won’t stop and it feels better to be typing on this computer than it would to be lying in the dark. Part of me is hoping tomorrow has a cause for celebration, but the majority of me knows that and celebration will be entirely bittersweet. All I want to say is hold tight to the happy, and those people that you love.
