
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things


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My doppelganger mentioned awhile ago that she was having difficulty keeping her wrist warm due to a hefty amount of metal doctors used to put her forearm back together. She also mentioned that her double pointed needles were sticking in the palms of her regular armwarmers making it difficult for her to knit while wearing them. I offered to knit her some, and after gathering a few measurements and a quick gauge swatch, this is what came off my needles:

They’re 8″ long and have neat paired decreases on their underside [I love them, and the V-shape they create between them.] With an inch of ribbing at the top and bottom, they fit snugly on the arm. I knit them using Red Heart Soft Yarn [originally I was going to knit palms and Bonnie’s crutches work over mitt palms pretty quickly so I was looking for durability.]

After knitting them I tried to embroider on them, but it didn’t work out. My stem stitch, well, it bites it. Instead, I duplicate stitched the sheep from The Baby Knits Book by Debbie Bliss at the top of the armwarmer because what fiber artist doesn’t love a good fiber animal? You can find an action shot of them here.

For the next pair I knit I’m going to start at the small end and increase upward using a pair of K1FB increases.

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