
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things


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Sock Preview

This month is Socktoberfest hosted by the lovely Lolly. I’ve finished one sock and had to rip out half of another already. I’m aiming for three complete pairs this month. We’ll see. Here are the answer to some questions to get things started:

-When did you start making socks? Did you teach yourself or were you taught by a friend or relative? or in a class? I taught myself. That was 3 years ago.

-What was your first pair?  How have they “held up” over time? They were kneesocks using the knee sock pattern from Stitch and Bitch. I gave them as a gift. I have no idea how they’ve held up.

-What would you have done differently? Nothing. They turned out lovely.

-What yarns have you particularly enjoyed? I like sproingy merinos like Fleece Artist, and every regia yarn I’ve ever used.

-Do you like to crochet your socks? or knit them on DPNs, 2 circulars, or using the Magic Loop method? Wooden dpns.

-Which kind of heel do you prefer?  (flap? or short-row?) Short-row

-How many pairs have you made? So far, 5 and three-halves.

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