
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Giving Thanks

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I am thankful for what I think is going to be delicious pie. Thankful for good friends, old and new and for family, who I wish was a little bit closer than they are. Thankful for the best husband I ever could have imagined. Thankful for generally good health. Thankful for having a snug roof over our heads and enough food to eat. Thankful that we have paid off 100% of our credit card debt. Thankful for a reliable car and the current cheap gas prices. Thankful for our cat who keeps me company. Thankful for everything I’ve learned throughout this year and thankful for the ways in which I’ve grown. Thankful for my ability to make warm clothing for myself and my loved ones.

I hope all those of you who celebrate have a lovely holiday. And for those of you who don’t, I hope you have a wonderful Thursday.

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