
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

More graduation fun!

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I’ve gotten one more gift on the theme of sex, and 2 non-sex
themed graduation gifts. My older sister bought me a hardcover copy of The Vagina Monologues by Eve Ensler. I am so
thrilled over that. We had our staff recognition at work yesterday and the place that I work (in the NDSU Memorial
Union) gave me a lovely card and a gift certificate to use at the bookstore. I’ve been working there ever since I was
a freshman five years ago so its nice to be appreciated. This morning when I came in to work the woman that runs the
Union’s Art Gallery had left me a card in my mailbox (I do a lot of design work for the gallery, since it always seems
I’m the only one able to when they come in with stuff that needed to be done 2 days ago). Then as I was working away
at my computer this morning a woman who I worked with my 2nd year and then again this year brought me a gift. I
promised Chris I would take some photos of this gift, its a really cool sandstone paperweight with a thin,
multi-colored Bison in the middle of it.

I really like it, and it was super sweet
of her to do so. I love my workplace and I’m really really going to miss them. *sniff sniff*

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