
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Home, home on the range…

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the boys, they love me. at least a couple of them…Derek
and Chris went out today to help find me an apartment. Derek fell in love with a couple of places, and I have a LOT of
phone calls to make tomorrow…Like, ten. Uffda. I just need a place to live. Please? The place that is derek’s
favorite (neighborhood, looks-wise, proximity to campus, etc) also includes a woodburning fireplace, dishwasher, cable,
internet, none of which he knew at that point. Its also right across the street from a borders and a trader joe’s
(which i’ve heard very good things about but have never experienced)…so I’ll call tomorrow and see how things go, who
can give me the most for my money, etc. wish me luck.

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