
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

Stupid? I think so.

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I am so tired of this “low-carb”, “carbs are evil” bullshit.
I guess this summer Pepsi, and possibly Coke are going to start producing mid-carb sodas. Pepsi will start making Pepsi Edge, which will be
made from half corn syrup and half splenda.

Pepsi estimates that 60 million consumers
drink both regular and diet soft drinks. As people trade off full-calorie drinks for reduced-calorie drinks, Pepsi
estimates the number of “dual users” has grown 75% in the past two years. Afridi says “dual users” represent “40% of
the volume of carbonated soft drinks.”

“The consumer landscape has changed dramatically in the past couple
of years,” says Dave DeCecco, Pepsi spokesman. “It’s the right time to do something for those people in both camps but
who are not sure which way to turn.”

Let’s talk about names here for a minute. PepsiEdge says
to me “now with enough caffeine to kill a small elephant!!”. Coke’s upcoming product will be C2 a name so lame and unimaginative
it makes me a little sad.

He and I were talking about this. I
stated how stupid it was, like we need one more thing on the shelves at the grocery store. (This is why people from
elsewhere hate americans). His response was Sure we do, I know sometimes I’m drinking a lemon
pepsi, a vanilla coke, a lime diet coke, a pepsi one, a blue pepsi, and a cherry coke and I think “Something is

This, folks, is why I love him so very very much.

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