Alright, so the subject line doesn’t really have much to do
with anything other than I’m listening to my Brooks West cd right now and that’s the first line in the song I’m
listening to. Its a tangent I’ll try to explore a little this weekend, its been a while since I put my beliefs to text
and I think I’m at a point in my life where I’m ready to do it again. Life has been vaguely hectic the past two days.
It seems that I’m easily distracted. Highlights of the past two days, my Wacom Intuos2 Graphic tablet arrived yesterday
and MAN it is awesome. I am the queen of the crappy doodle. It’s going to take a little bit of getting used to before
I can use it in a more drawing sort of manner, but is it ever great for manuevering the pen tool in illustrator around.
Granted, I use keyboard shortcuts for a lot more of what I do in illustrator so maybe I’ll start working in photoshop
more. I used it at work today, and then again at home (I’m designing invitations for a housewarming party that won’t
occur for a few months yet, maybe not until next fall depending on how long it takes for me to get settled and feel
like i can call Oregon home). My highlight of today was going in to one of the freshman architecture classes to talk
to them about what it means to be an architecture student at NDSU. Its funny because kids hear the same things from
professors and faculty members over and over again but they don’t believe it until they hear it from another student.
I felt really badly for one guy because his first semester was less than productive and he’s worried about making it
through the selective admissions process of the department. I told him if he ever needed anything to come find me at
work, and ask. Because that’s what the education of an architect is all about. I swear I’ve learned more from fellow
students than I have from any professor, simply because that’s the manner you learn in, you learn by doing and showing
and repeating and its great and wonderful and i’d have never made it through here without steve and vince and ron, the
three professors that i turned to for graduate school references…they’re fantastic people and they’ve been nothing
but encouraging. Its so fantastic and talking to the first year students really resolidified how much I made the right
choice in going to school here. Its a fantastic feeling to think that maybe I made an impact and served as a mentor,
if only for a brief moment. I also realize how lucky I am to have made a connection with one of the mentees I was
assigned almost 3 years ago now who has become much like a younger brother to me. He actually works for me currently
as is growing in leaps and bounds since he started. I was also told today by my boss(ish) that she’s really going to
miss me when I graduate. I’ve worked there 2 years longer than she has so she’s never worked there when I haven’t.
There was a vague mini-lovefest to me in my meeting today, how much people admire my blunt, straight-forward, honesty.
So, yay me I guess, although I hate being singled out for being different sometimes. Alright, I’m juggling the phone
and typing this so here’s the end for tonight. Good sleep y’all.