
Cathartic Ink

putting my own spin on things

I Am Not a Kitten, Stuck Up a Tree Somewhere

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I got a wedding invitation in the mail today…Addressed to me on the outside and I open it up and on the inner
envelope it says “Bonnie & Guest”.  So, maybe I should start now hunting for a person named Guest, because I sure don’t
know anyone. 🙂 At any rate, anything addressed to ___ & Guest always reminds me of how painfully single I am,
particularly weddings, because where I come from, you tend to go to weddings with your significant other.  Well,
lacking that I resort to friends…But really, how fun is that, awww…look buddy, they’re so in love, isn’t it great
that we’re….not?…Anyway, I’m a little bitter, but I’ve been smiling real smiles, with my eyes, which is awesome.


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